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Bio Decoding is a path of unity bringing together the visible and the non-visible, the material and the non-material, spirit and earth, yin and yang. Everything in its perfect balance has a reason for existing.

All of us have a story. And what lives in our stories are the memories of our ancestors. Past, present and future are continuously woven together in the tapestry of life. These stories and memories are held by Mother Earth and in our bodies within our human biological experience.

Bio Decoding Healing

*Please Note: Prices are not exclusive. For me it is important that alternative healing modalities are accessible to those who need them. Please get in touch if you feel this work is for you however cannot meet the regular price right now.

As we become conscious of these memories and transform them, we are able to walk in deeper coherence. By understanding the story behind why a symptom or issue exists in your life and how it has helped you to learn and grow along your life path, you can experience profound and permanent healing.

Sessions can help to heal a wide range of issues, from physical illness, allergies, food intolerance, emotional and relationship issues, infertility patterns, autism, repetitive life patterns, and the symptoms of someone close to you (including a child). 

Continued work with this technique will bring you into contact with your genealogical tree, allowing the stories of your ancestors to be voiced. It’s not necessary to have prior information.  

Each consultation* lasts approximately two hours, and I recommend attending one session every 30 days, with allowing around 6 sessions to fully work through one symptom. 

*Mental health issues are approached slightly differently, so please inquire for more information

If you have more questions about this service you can book a free discovery call with me by clicking the button below.

What to Bio Decoding Achieves

- uncovers root causes behind a symptom or issue in your life
- re programs them on an unconscious level
- healing of deeply rooted inter-generational patterns
- discover and align with your true life purpose/ discover the message your issue brings for you
- healing on a personal level, family tree and ultimately unconscious collective
- discover deeper coherence and alignment of our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies and subsequent well-being that it has for your life’s path.

Ancestral Bio Decoding

What to Expect in a Session

In our sessions together we’ll work with a symptom or issue, allowing it to act as a guide, this may be anything in your life that causes you to feel less than fully content.

We’ll trace its origins back in linear time, including your contemporary life, gestation, pre-conception and family tree, dissolving any trapped emotions, becoming conscious of deeper patterns, and working with exercises that communicate directly with your unconscious mind to decode and reprogram cellular memories. 

By making visible and liberating the energy behind a symptom, we can reduce or eliminate the need for it to continue existing, while also receiving valuable information that it has for your life’s path.

Example of Session Structure

- We take a symptom/ issue and trace it back on a timeline in your contemporary life, mother’s womb, pre-conception, and family tree
- Change occurs by the liberation of trapped emotions (in the moment when they occurred),
by becoming conscious of what is occurring on an energetic level (shifts in consciousness, ‘ah-ha’ moment) and by sometimes making a change in one’s life
- We reprogram memories on a cellular level 
- You undertake guided exercises that work directly on the unconscious, using the language of the unconscious mind to communicate with it. Often this includes simple rituals and meditations 
- We look at patterns in your family tree (we will draw the family tree too and it is fine if you don’t have any information about your ancestors, we can still work with them) 
- Womb regressions

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